There are a lot of things that can cause accidental fires within the home, which is why fire prevention safety is so important. Many accidental fires are often caused by electrical problems. You can often prevent a full blown fire if you are able to properly respond to any burning smells coming from an electrical source.

home safety tips

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Most homeowners use a ton of different electrical appliances throughout their homes, which should come as no surprise. However, you should make sure that you don’t overload any of your outlets using numerous extension chords as this can often lead to a short, that could potentially cause a fire.

If you happen to smell burning near an outlet, then the first thing you should do is trip its circuit breaker so that you can safely unplug whatever it is that’s plugged into the outlet. If the smell disappears, then contact a local electrician to come inspect the outlet for faulty wiring. However, if it continues to smell, leave the house immediately and call 911.

Use these tips to prevent a potential fire in your home. For more tips on how to prevent damage to your home, contact us at Parker Young today.